Google claims to have achieved "quantum supremacy" with an amazing invention, what does this mean?
Google claims to have achieved "quantum supremacy" with an amazing invention, what does this mean?
Quantum computers are approaching, and competition in this new and exotic space is getting harder. This competition has received shock in recent days thanks to a study published by Google on the NASA portal, which mysteriously disappeared. In this text, the Mountain View giant claims to have achieved quantitative supremacy, a condition that, if true, would rewrite several rules in the future. But what does quantum superiority mean, and why do you suspect Google's advertising?
Quantum computers are special devices that perform calculations that no conventional computer can perform, in a short period of time. From the discovery of new chemicals and drugs to artificial intelligence and the true cryptographic revolution, the world is looking forward to this mysterious generation of devices and their applications. If you have to think of two names related to quantum computing, IBM and Google.
Google did not pass his experiments on the D-Wave platform unnoticed, but now they doubled the bet with an announcement that could change everything. I say "can" because the original article posted on NASA's website has disappeared, and the only thing left is copying, which was saved by some press portals. In this article, Google announced quantum superiority. But what does this phrase mean?
What is Quantum Supremacy?
Quantum supremacy arises when a quantum computer appears that is capable of solving the practically impossible problem of traditional supercomputers. Google's quantum computer, called Sycamore, discovered whether the algorithm produced a random sequence of numbers. And while it took three minutes and 20 seconds to come up with a quantum computer answer, the most powerful traditional commercially available computer needed about 10,000 years to solve the algorithm.
Despite the progress made, it remains complicated for quantum computers to achieve similar achievements in everyday tasks. However, the use of this type of computer is expected to evolve in many of the more complex fields of science and computing from cryptography, communication, chemistry and materials science to purely computational ones such as artificial intelligence and machine learning.
Quantum computers are approaching, and competition in this new and exotic space is getting harder. This competition has received shock in recent days thanks to a study published by Google on the NASA portal, which mysteriously disappeared. In this text, the Mountain View giant claims to have achieved quantitative supremacy, a condition that, if true, would rewrite several rules in the future. But what does quantum superiority mean, and why do you suspect Google's advertising?
Quantum computers are special devices that perform calculations that no conventional computer can perform, in a short period of time. From the discovery of new chemicals and drugs to artificial intelligence and the true cryptographic revolution, the world is looking forward to this mysterious generation of devices and their applications. If you have to think of two names related to quantum computing, IBM and Google.
Google did not pass his experiments on the D-Wave platform unnoticed, but now they doubled the bet with an announcement that could change everything. I say "can" because the original article posted on NASA's website has disappeared, and the only thing left is copying, which was saved by some press portals. In this article, Google announced quantum superiority. But what does this phrase mean?
What is Quantum Supremacy?
Quantum supremacy arises when a quantum computer appears that is capable of solving the practically impossible problem of traditional supercomputers. Google's quantum computer, called Sycamore, discovered whether the algorithm produced a random sequence of numbers. And while it took three minutes and 20 seconds to come up with a quantum computer answer, the most powerful traditional commercially available computer needed about 10,000 years to solve the algorithm.
Despite the progress made, it remains complicated for quantum computers to achieve similar achievements in everyday tasks. However, the use of this type of computer is expected to evolve in many of the more complex fields of science and computing from cryptography, communication, chemistry and materials science to purely computational ones such as artificial intelligence and machine learning.