
Dangerous: Bug allows to bypass Face Unlock in Pixel 4 even with closed eyes!

Dangerous: Bug allows to bypass Face Unlock in Pixel 4 even with closed eyes!

Google has confirmed that Pixel 4's Face Unlock system can allow access to a person's device even if their eyes are closed.

One security expert said it was a big problem that could allow unauthorized access to the device

 By comparison, Apple's Face ID system verifies that the user is "alert" and looks at the phone before unlocking.

Google said in a statement: "Face Unlock system Pixel 4 smartphone meets the security requirements as strong biometrics."
With the default settings, the phone is still locked if the user pretends to be asleep. The test was repeated on several people, with the same result.

Pixel 4 photos leaked before launch showed a setting titled "Eyes should be open," in the face recognition menu. .

"If someone can unlock your phone while you sleep, that's a big security problem," said cyber security expert Graham Clawley.

"Someone who is not authorized - a child or a partner? - can unlock the phone without your permission to put it in front of your face while you are sleeping," Graham Clawley told BBC News.

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