
Why You Should Use Reverse Image Search

Why You Should Use Reverse Image Search

A picture is worth a thousand words and a reverse search for images is a wonderful example. What is reverse image search? What are its benefits?

What is reverse image search

In simple terms, when you use reverse image search, instead of entering keywords in the search bar to get results, you can use an image to get the result. Using reverse image search, you can search for similar images and the source of a particular image's appearance.

Although Google is the search engine for almost everyone, you can take advantage of Yahoo's reverse image search and other browsers as well.

Go to images.google.com, click the camera icon, paste the URL of the image you saw online, upload an image from your hard drive, or drag an image from another window.

What are the benefits of reverse image search

 When you do a reverse image search, you get two benefits:

 1- Find the name of an interesting picture

I am looking for a picture of a stunning car you did not remember and also you can not know what the name of its model! Well simple Google reverse search is all you need. If you can't understand what that image is, Google will do it

2. More leads by searching for relevant images

 Let’s say your target audience is looking for a product (with the help of past image search) and your product will appear immediately, and you’ll get an instant pull. This is because the customer already has a tendency towards that picture and boom!

Now, suppose you are a customer and are looking for a product that has run out of stock, a reverse image search will give you at least images that are relevant to that product and that won't make you wait for a while

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