
New information about the Galaxy Fold 2

New information about the Galaxy Fold 2

Although the foldable smartphones are still in their infancy, Samsung's success in launching its first phone with this technology, the Galaxy Fold, has greatly encouraged it to continue in this direction to the point where preparations for the second version have begun.

Samsung has seen great success with regard to the Galaxy Fold, which led it to increase its production of flexible screens to keep pace with the great demand for this phone, although it confirmed that this first version will be limited version, which seems to encourage the company to prepare for the launch of the second version After taking advantage of the Galaxy Fold launch experience.

According to South Korea's The Bell website, Samsung is preparing to launch a new version of its foldable phone, which it is currently working on, according to the site, the code name of the new phone will be Bloom, and that Samsung plans to launch it in April next year 2020 , Without giving more detailed information on the matter.

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