
Google abandon it Daydream platform

Google abandon it Daydream platform

It seems that Google has completed its projects with respect to virtual reality, led by the platform Daydream, which was revealed by the recent conference and the media reports frequent.

During its special event yesterday, which provided on the sidelines of a number of developments, including the Pixel 4 phones and other products, Google did not mention any of its platform for virtual reality known as Daydream and glasses for virtual reality.

Google did not offer anything new in this regard opened the door to interpretations that Google has finally abandoned the project to develop virtual reality glasses Daydream, which was confirmed by some press reports, including the report issued by the site VentureBeat.

Google extended the development of its virtual reality platform Daydream in 2016 to replace Google Cardboard glasses to enable users to play virtual reality games on their phones.
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