
How to install Kali Linux safely on your Android device without root

How to install Kali Linux safely on your Android device without root

Linux has the ability to turn an Android device into a mobile device for troubleshooting. While installing Kali Linux on your Android device you need to root your device. Linux cannot be installed on your Android device if Root does not work.

If you do not want to root your device, do not follow the methods listed below. Another warning is that you have enough free space in your memory. If you do not have enough free memory, Linux installation will fail.

 Install Kali Linux using Linux deploy and VNC Viewer.

1 - Go to the Google Play Store and install Linux Deploy and VNC Viewer on your Android device.

- Download Linux Deploy

- Download VNC Viewer

 2 - Once downloaded, run Linux Deploy. You'll find an option similar to the download icon at the bottom of the screen. Press this option and you will find a list of other options. In the "Distribution" option, choose Kali Linux.

 3.In the same menu, go to the GUI settings and enter the width and height of your device's screen.

 4. Next, go to the "Install" option and press it. You will notice that the installation process has started. This installation process may take about 10 to 15 minutes. So please keep your patience until the process is complete

 5. When this process is complete, click the "Configure" option.

 6. Publish the configuration, press the "Start" option.

 7 - Then, open VNC Viewer and enter the required details such as address, name, password, etc.

 8 - Once the data entry is complete, you will have successfully installed Kali Linux on your Android device and is ready to use now
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