
Report: Huawei affected by the absence of Google Apps in its phones

Report: Huawei affected by the absence of Google Apps in its phones

Chinese smartphone company Huawei has confirmed that the US sanctions have severely damaged them, especially the lack of the basic Android software from Google, Play Store and popular applications such as Search and Maps on their devices.

According to a report in the Financial Times, quoting a senior executive of Huawei, the company has not succeeded in finding alternatives to the popular Google Apps on Android devices around the world.

 "There are a lot of Android users in Europe and Southeast Asia. They are used to these Google apps as well as Android phones," Joy Tan, vice president of public affairs at Huawei, was quoted as saying on Sunday.

"We can continue to use the Android platform because it's open source, but we can't use services that help apps run," he added.

Under the terms of the previous U.S. trade embargo, Google was barred from selling an Android license to Huawei, meaning that its phones could use the underlying open source code, but would not have access to the most important Play Store and Google Apps.

 A temporary license has been issued that allows Google to support and update the Android operating system currently running on existing Huawei devices.

However, the trade embargo has affected future product development. Huawei is also working on its HarmonyOS operating system

Despite US trade restrictions, Huawei last week posted revenue of 610.8 billion yuan ($ 86 billion) in the first three quarters of this year, an increase of 24.4 percent year on year, with a net profit margin of 8.7 percent. .

"If the situation with the US government does not change, the company will start using its operating system HarmonyOS," Richard Yu, head of consumer business at Huawei, said in an interview last month.

Before the next round of trade talks between Washington and Beijing, the administration of US President Donald Trump is considering issuing licenses for some US companies that will allow them to sell non-sensitive equipment to Huawei.
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