
Microsoft is moving to refine the language of Xbox games chat with artificial intelligence

Microsoft is moving to refine the language of Xbox games chat with artificial intelligence

Microsoft is turning to artificial intelligence and machine learning to allow Xbox players to refine the language they see in text messages.

It offers customizable filters that allow players to choose the vocabulary they see in messages from friends and rival players. The four purification levels range from child-friendly to completely unfiltered.

Initially, filters cover text only but will eventually apply to voice chat as well.

 Microsoft said the filters will be tested with the Xbox in October and then distributed to all console users later in the year.

Players will be able to determine the level of filtering they want to apply to their interactions with friends or people playing games, he said.

Once applied, the filters will also apply to Xbox apps on Windows 10 and smartphones as well as the Xbox game bar.

Microsoft introduced four levels of filters - friendly, medium, mature, and unfiltered. A warning saying "Hidden message may be offensive" will appear on filtered messages.

By default, the "friendly" setting will be applied to all sub-accounts on Xbox. It shows all the vocabulary that might be offensive.

Larry Hyrb, director of programming at Xbox Live, explained that the “Medium” setting will provide some powerful languages ​​through video.

Larry Hyrb said: "Once you have applied the medium filter, you will notice that you can still see things like friend's trash talk among friends, but the vulgar words we know are aimed at bullying or discrimination will be filtered from your gaming experience."

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