
Report: US plans to allow some technology sales to Huawei

Report: US plans to allow some technology sales to Huawei

The Trump administration plans to issue licenses for US companies to provide Chinese technology giant Huawei with insensitive goods, a move that could help ease tensions ahead of trade talks.

President Donald Trump agreed last week to start issuing licenses, The Times reported on Wednesday. He referred to unidentified persons who were aware of the matter and did not mention the techniques that could be covered.

 The sanctions announced last May require US vendors to obtain government permission to sell chips and other technologies to Huawei Technologies Ltd. , One of the largest manufacturers of smart phone and network switching equipment.

 Huawei, the first global brand in China, said the loss of access to US components and technology support such as Google Music, Maps and other services threaten sales of its smartphones. US suppliers of chips and other technologies say they will lose billions of dollars in revenue.

 The report comes as US and Chinese negotiators are due to meet on Thursday in Washington for the 13th round of talks aimed at ending the tariff war on the trade surplus of Beijing's technological ambitions.

The White House has postponed the implementation of the sanctions, but Huawei founder said he expects to go ahead. US officials said Washington would allow the sale of Huawei technology available from other sources.

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